oumi.launcher.clients.local_client module#
- class oumi.launcher.clients.local_client.LocalClient[source]#
A client for running jobs locally in a subprocess.
- cancel(job_id) JobStatus | None [source]#
Cancels the specified job.
- Parameters:
job_id – The ID of the job to cancel.
queue – The name of the queue to search.
- Returns:
The job status if found, None otherwise.
oumi.launcher.clients.polaris_client module#
- class oumi.launcher.clients.polaris_client.PolarisClient(user: str)[source]#
A client for communicating with Polaris at ALCF.
- class SupportedQueues(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#
Enum representing the supported queues on Polaris.
For more details, see: https://docs.alcf.anl.gov/polaris/running-jobs/#queues
- DEBUG = 'debug'#
- DEBUG_SCALING = 'debug-scaling'#
- DEMAND = 'demand'#
- PREEMPTABLE = 'preemptable'#
- PROD = 'prod'#
- cancel(job_id, queue: SupportedQueues) JobStatus | None [source]#
Cancels the specified job.
- Parameters:
job_id – The ID of the job to cancel.
queue – The name of the queue to search.
- Returns:
The job status if found, None otherwise.
- static get_active_users() list[str] [source]#
Gets the list of users with an open SSH tunnel to Polaris.
- Returns:
A list of users.
- get_job(job_id: str, queue: SupportedQueues) JobStatus | None [source]#
Gets the specified job’s status.
- Parameters:
job_id – The ID of the job to get.
queue – The name of the queue to search.
- Returns:
The job status if found, None otherwise.
- list_jobs(queue: SupportedQueues) list[JobStatus] [source]#
Lists a list of job statuses for the given queue.
- Returns:
A list of dictionaries, each containing the status of a cluster.
- put(file_contents: str, destination: str) None [source]#
Puts the specified file contents to the remote path.
- Parameters:
file_contents – The contents of the file to write.
destination – The remote path to write the file to.
- put_recursive(source: str, destination: str) None [source]#
Puts the specified file/directory to the remote path using rsync.
- Parameters:
source – The local file/directory to write.
destination – The remote path to write the file/directory to.
- run_commands(commands: list[str]) PolarisResponse [source]#
Runs the provided commands in a single SSH command.
- Parameters:
commands – The commands to run.
- submit_job(job_path: str, working_dir: str, node_count: int, queue: SupportedQueues, name: str | None) str [source]#
Submits the specified job script to Polaris.
- Parameters:
job_path – The path to the job script to submit.
working_dir – The working directory to submit the job from.
node_count – The number of nodes to use for the job.
queue – The name of the queue to submit the job to.
name – The name of the job (optional).
- Returns:
The ID of the submitted job.
oumi.launcher.clients.sky_client module#
- class oumi.launcher.clients.sky_client.SkyClient[source]#
A wrapped client for communicating with Sky Pilot.
- class SupportedClouds(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#
Enum representing the supported clouds.
- AWS = 'aws'#
- AZURE = 'azure'#
- GCP = 'gcp'#
- LAMBDA = 'lambda'#
- RUNPOD = 'runpod'#
- cancel(cluster_name: str, job_id: str) None [source]#
Gets the job queue of a cluster.
- Parameters:
cluster_name – The name of the cluster to cancel the job on.
job_id – The ID of the job to cancel.
- down(cluster_name: str) None [source]#
Tears down the target cluster.
- Parameters:
cluster_name – The name of the cluster to tear down.
- exec(job: JobConfig, cluster_name: str) str [source]#
Executes the specified job on the target cluster.
- Parameters:
job – The job to execute.
cluster_name – The name of the cluster to execute the job on.
- Returns:
The ID of the job that was created.
- launch(job: JobConfig, cluster_name: str | None = None, **kwargs) JobStatus [source]#
Creates a cluster and starts the provided Job.
- Parameters:
job – The job to execute on the cluster.
cluster_name – The name of the cluster to create.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the Sky Pilot client.
- Returns:
A JobStatus with only id and cluster populated.
- queue(cluster_name: str) list[dict] [source]#
Gets the job queue of a cluster.
- Parameters:
cluster_name – The name of the cluster to get the queue for.
- Returns:
A list of dictionaries, each containing the metadata of a cluster.