



oumi.utils.batching module#

oumi.utils.batching.batch(dataset: list[T], batch_size: int) list[list[T]][source]#

Batches the provided dataset.

  • dataset – The dataset to batch, which is a flat list of items.

  • batch_size – The desired size of each batch.


A list of batches. Each batch is a list of batch_size items, assuming that the dataset’s size is a multiple of batch_size. Otherwise, the last batch to be included will contain less items than batch_size.

oumi.utils.batching.unbatch(dataset: list[list[T]]) list[T][source]#

Unbatches (flatten) the provided dataset.

oumi.utils.conversation_utils module#

oumi.utils.conversation_utils.base64encode_content_item_image_bytes(item: ContentItem, *, add_mime_prefix: bool = True) str[source]#

Creates base-64 encoded image bytes as ASCII string value.

  • item – An input message content item of image type (one of IMAGE_BINARY, IMAGE_PATH, `IMAGE_URL) with the pre-populated binary field.

  • add_mime_prefix – Whether to add MIME prefix data:image/png;base64,


String containing base64 encoded image bytes <BASE64_VALUE>. If add_mime_prefix is True, then the following format is used: data:image/png;base64,<BASE64_VALUE>.

oumi.utils.conversation_utils.convert_content_items_to_json_list(content_items: list[ContentItem]) list[dict[str, Any]][source]#

Converts content items to a list of JSON dicts.


content_items – A list of content items.


The list of all content items encoded as JSON dicts.

Return type:

list[Dict[str, Any]]

oumi.utils.conversation_utils.convert_message_content_item_to_json_dict(item: ContentItem) dict[str, Any][source]#

Returns the content for a message content item.


item – The message content item to get the content for.


The content for the message.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

oumi.utils.conversation_utils.convert_message_to_json_content(message: Message) str | list[dict[str, Any]][source]#

Returns the message content.


message – The message to get the content for.


The content for the message returned either as a single string, or as a list of content items.

oumi.utils.conversation_utils.convert_message_to_json_content_list(message: Message) list[dict[str, Any]][source]#

Returns the message content as a list of its content items encoded as JSON dicts.


message – The message to get the content for.


The content for the message for all content items.

Return type:

list[Dict[str, Any]]

oumi.utils.conversation_utils.create_list_of_message_json_dicts(messages: list[Message], *, group_adjacent_same_role_turns: bool) list[dict[str, Any]][source]#

Returns a list of JSON dictionaries representing messages.

Loads image bytes and encodes them as base64.

  • messages – The input messages.

  • group_adjacent_same_role_turns – Whether to pack adjacent messages from the same role into a single element in output list.


The list of messages encoded as nested JSON dicts.

Return type:

list[Dict[str, Any]]

oumi.utils.conversation_utils.load_image_bytes_to_content_item(item: ContentItem, mode: str = 'RGB') ContentItem[source]#

Ensures that message content item contains inline image bytes if it’s an image.

Loads image content if image type is IMAGE_URL or IMAGE_PATH. Otherwise returns the input content item w/o any changes.


A content item guaranteed to be IMAGE_BINARY if an input content item was any of image types (IMAGE_URL, IMAGE_PATH, IMAGE_BINARY).

oumi.utils.conversation_utils.load_pil_image_from_content_item(image_item: ContentItem, mode: str = 'RGB') Image[source]#

Loads a PIL image from a message content item.


A PIL image.

Return type:


oumi.utils.device_utils module#

class oumi.utils.device_utils.NVidiaGpuRuntimeInfo(device_index: int, device_count: int, used_memory_mb: float | None = None, temperature: int | None = None, fan_speed: int | None = None, fan_speeds: Sequence[int] | None = None, power_usage_watts: float | None = None, power_limit_watts: float | None = None, gpu_utilization: int | None = None, memory_utilization: int | None = None, performance_state: int | None = None, clock_speed_graphics: int | None = None, clock_speed_sm: int | None = None, clock_speed_memory: int | None = None)[source]#

Bases: NamedTuple

Contains misc NVIDIA GPU measurements and stats retrieved by pynvml.

The majority of fields are optional. You can control whether they are populated by setting boolean query parameters of _get_nvidia_gpu_runtime_info_impl(, …) such as memory, temperature, fan_speed, etc.

clock_speed_graphics: int | None#

Graphics clock speed (NVML_CLOCK_GRAPHICS) in MHz.

clock_speed_memory: int | None#

Memory clock speed (NVML_CLOCK_MEM) in MHz.

clock_speed_sm: int | None#

SM clock speed (NVML_CLOCK_SM) in MHz.

device_count: int#

Total number of GPU devices on this node.

device_index: int#

Zero-based device index.

fan_speed: int | None#

GPU fan speed in [0,100] range.

fan_speeds: Sequence[int] | None#

An array of GPU fan speeds.

The array’s length is equal to the number of fans per GPU (can be multiple). Speed values are in [0, 100] range.

gpu_utilization: int | None#



GPU compute utilization. Range

memory_utilization: int | None#



GPU memory utilization. Range

performance_state: int | None#

See nvmlPstates_t. Valid values are in [0,15] range, or 32 if unknown.

0 corresponds to Maximum Performance. 15 corresponds to Minimum Performance.

power_limit_watts: float | None#

GPU power limit in Watts.

power_usage_watts: float | None#

GPU power usage in Watts.

temperature: int | None#

GPU temperature in Celcius.

used_memory_mb: float | None#

Used GPU memory in MB.

oumi.utils.device_utils.get_nvidia_gpu_fan_speeds(device_index: int = 0) Sequence[int][source]#

Returns the current fan speeds for NVIDIA GPU device.

oumi.utils.device_utils.get_nvidia_gpu_memory_utilization(device_index: int = 0) float[source]#

Returns amount of memory being used on an Nvidia GPU in MiB.

oumi.utils.device_utils.get_nvidia_gpu_power_usage(device_index: int = 0) float[source]#

Returns the current power usage for NVIDIA GPU device.

oumi.utils.device_utils.get_nvidia_gpu_runtime_info(device_index: int = 0) NVidiaGpuRuntimeInfo | None[source]#

Returns runtime stats for Nvidia GPU.

oumi.utils.device_utils.get_nvidia_gpu_temperature(device_index: int = 0) int[source]#

Returns the current temperature readings for the device, in degrees C.

oumi.utils.device_utils.log_nvidia_gpu_fan_speeds(device_index: int = 0, log_prefix: str = '') None[source]#

Prints the current NVIDIA GPU fan speeds.

oumi.utils.device_utils.log_nvidia_gpu_memory_utilization(device_index: int = 0, log_prefix: str = '') None[source]#

Prints amount of memory being used on an Nvidia GPU.

oumi.utils.device_utils.log_nvidia_gpu_power_usage(device_index: int = 0, log_prefix: str = '') None[source]#

Prints the current NVIDIA GPU power usage.

oumi.utils.device_utils.log_nvidia_gpu_runtime_info(device_index: int = 0, log_prefix: str = '') None[source]#

Prints the current NVIDIA GPU runtime info.

oumi.utils.device_utils.log_nvidia_gpu_temperature(device_index: int = 0, log_prefix: str = '') None[source]#

Prints the current temperature readings for the device, in degrees C.

oumi.utils.distributed_utils module#

oumi.utils.distributed_utils.is_using_accelerate() bool[source]#

Returns whether the current job was launched with the Accelerate launcher.

We do this by checking if the ACCELERATE_DYNAMO_* environment variables are set. These variables should always be set by Accelerate. We check for all of them in case Accelerate changes the environment variables in the future.

oumi.utils.distributed_utils.is_using_accelerate_fsdp() bool[source]#

Returns whether the current job is requesting Accelerate FSDP training.

oumi.utils.git_utils module#

oumi.utils.git_utils.get_git_revision_hash() str | None[source]#

Get the current git revision hash.


The current git revision hash, or None if it cannot be retrieved.

Return type:


oumi.utils.git_utils.get_git_root_dir() Path | None[source]#

Get the root directory of the current git repository.


The root directory of the current git repository, or None if it cannot be retrieved.

Return type:


oumi.utils.git_utils.get_git_tag() str | None[source]#

Get the current git tag.


The current git tag, or None if it cannot be retrieved.

Return type:


oumi.utils.hf_datasets_utils module#

oumi.utils.hf_datasets_utils.is_cached_to_disk_hf_dataset(dataset_folder: str | Path) bool[source]#

Detects whether a dataset was saved using dataset.save_to_disk().

Such datasets should be loaded using datasets.Dataset.load_from_disk()


Whether the dataset was saved using dataset.save_to_disk() method.

oumi.utils.image_utils module#

oumi.utils.image_utils.convert_pil_image_mode(image: Image, *, mode: str | None) Image[source]#

Converts a PIL image to the requested mode (if it’s not in that mode already) .


An image in the requested mode . If an input image was already in the correct mode then return it for efficiency. Otherwise, a different image object is returned.

oumi.utils.image_utils.create_png_bytes_from_image(pil_image: Image) bytes[source]#

Encodes PIL image into PNG format, and returns PNG image bytes.


pil_image – An input image.


PNG bytes representation of the image.

Return type:


oumi.utils.image_utils.create_png_bytes_from_image_bytes(image_bytes: bytes | None, mode: str = 'RGB') bytes[source]#

Loads an image from raw image bytes, and converts to PNG image bytes.


PNG bytes representation of the image.

Return type:


oumi.utils.image_utils.load_image_png_bytes_from_path(input_image_filepath: str | Path, mode: str = 'RGB') bytes[source]#

Loads an image from a path, converts it to PNG, and returns image bytes.


PNG bytes representation of the image.

Return type:


oumi.utils.image_utils.load_image_png_bytes_from_url(input_image_url: str, mode: str = 'RGB') bytes[source]#

Loads an image from a URL, converts it to PNG, and returns image bytes.


PNG bytes representation of the image.

Return type:


oumi.utils.image_utils.load_pil_image_from_bytes(image_bytes: bytes | None, mode: str = 'RGB') Image[source]#

Loads an image from raw image bytes.


PIL representation of the image.

Return type:


oumi.utils.image_utils.load_pil_image_from_path(input_image_filepath: str | Path, mode: str = 'RGB') Image[source]#

Loads an image from a path.


PNG bytes representation of the image.

Return type:


oumi.utils.image_utils.load_pil_image_from_url(input_image_url: str, mode: str = 'RGB') Image[source]#

Loads a PIL image from a URL.


PNG bytes representation of the image.

Return type:


oumi.utils.io_utils module#

oumi.utils.io_utils.get_oumi_root_directory() Path[source]#

Get the root directory of the Oumi project.


The absolute path to the Oumi project’s root directory.

Return type:


oumi.utils.io_utils.load_file(filename: str | Path, encoding: str = 'utf-8') str[source]#

Load a file as a string.

  • filename – Path to the file.

  • encoding – Encoding to use when reading the file. Defaults to “utf-8”.


The content of the file.

Return type:



FileNotFoundError – If the file doesn’t exist.

oumi.utils.io_utils.load_json(filename: str | Path) Any[source]#

Load JSON data from a file.


filename – Path to the JSON file.


Parsed JSON data.

Return type:


  • FileNotFoundError – If the file doesn’t exist.

  • json.JSONDecodeError – If the file contains invalid JSON.

oumi.utils.io_utils.load_jsonlines(filename: str | Path) list[dict[str, Any]][source]#

Load a jsonlines file.


filename – Path to the jsonlines file.


A list of dictionaries, each representing a

JSON object from the file.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, Any]]

  • FileNotFoundError – If the file doesn’t exist.

  • jsonlines.InvalidLineError – If the file contains invalid JSON.

oumi.utils.io_utils.save_json(data: dict[str, Any], filename: str | Path, indent: int = 2) None[source]#

Save data as a formatted JSON file.

  • data – The data to be saved as JSON.

  • filename – Path where the JSON file will be saved.

  • indent – Number of spaces for indentation. Defaults to 2.


TypeError – If the data is not JSON serializable.

oumi.utils.io_utils.save_jsonlines(filename: str | Path, data: list[dict[str, Any]]) None[source]#

Save a list of dictionaries to a jsonlines file.

  • filename – Path to the jsonlines file to be created or overwritten.

  • data – A list of dictionaries to be saved as JSON objects.


IOError – If there’s an error writing to the file.

oumi.utils.logging module#

oumi.utils.logging.configure_dependency_warnings(level: str | int = 'info') None[source]#

Ignores non-critical warnings from dependencies, unless in debug mode.


level (str, optional) – The log level to set for the logger. Defaults to “info”.

oumi.utils.logging.configure_logger(name: str, level: str = 'info', log_dir: str | Path | None = None) None[source]#

Configures a logger with the specified name and log level.

oumi.utils.logging.get_logger(name: str, level: str = 'info', log_dir: str | Path | None = None) Logger[source]#

Gets a logger instance with the specified name and log level.

  • name – The name of the logger.

  • level (optional) – The log level to set for the logger. Defaults to “info”.

  • log_dir (optional) – Directory to store log files. Defaults to None.


The logger instance.

Return type:


oumi.utils.logging.update_logger_level(name: str, level: str = 'info') None[source]#

Updates the log level of the logger.

  • name (str) – The logger instance to update.

  • level (str, optional) – The log level to set for the logger. Defaults to “info”.

oumi.utils.model_caching module#

oumi.utils.model_caching.get_local_filepath_for_gguf(repo_id: str, filename: str, cache_dir='.cache/huggingface') str[source]#

Return a local path for the provided GGUF file, downloading it if necessary.

  • repo_id – HuggingFace Hub repo ID (e.g., bartowski/Llama-3.2-3B-Instruct-GGUF)

  • filename – HuggingFace Hub filename (e.g., Llama-3.2-3B-Instruct-Q8_0.gguf)

  • cache_dir – Local path to cached models. Defaults to HUGGINGFACE_CACHE.


A local path caching the GGUF file.

oumi.utils.packaging module#

class oumi.utils.packaging.PackagePrerequisites(package_name, min_package_version, max_package_version)#

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

oumi.utils.packaging.check_package_prerequisites(package_prerequisites: list[PackagePrerequisites], runtime_error_prefix: str = 'The current run cannot be launched because the platform prerequisites are not satisfied. In order to proceed, the following package(s) must be installed and have the correct version:\n', runtime_error_suffix: str = '') None[source]#

Checks if the package prerequisites are satisfied and raises an error if not.

oumi.utils.peft_utils module#

oumi.utils.peft_utils.get_lora_rank(adapter_dir: str | Path) int[source]#

Gets the LoRA rank for a saved adapter model.

Example config: huggingface/peft


adapter_dir – The directory containing the adapter model.


The LoRA rank.

Return type:



ValueError – If the LoRA rank is not found in the adapter config or isn’t an int.

oumi.utils.saver module#

oumi.utils.saver.load_infer_prob(input_filepath: str) list[list[list[float]]][source]#

Retrieve batched probabilities from a parquet file.

oumi.utils.saver.load_infer_prob_csv(input_filepath: str) list[list[list[float]]][source]#

Retrieve batched probabilities from a csv file.

oumi.utils.saver.save_infer_prob(output_filepath: str, probabilities: list[list[list[float]]])[source]#

Save batched probabilities into a parquet file.

oumi.utils.saver.save_infer_prob_csv(output_filepath: str, probabilities: list[list[list[float]]])[source]#

Save batched probabilities into a csv file.

oumi.utils.saver.str_to_float_list(input: str) list[float][source]#

Convert an str representing a list of floats to an actual list of floats.

Example: input: [1.1, 2.2, 3.3] => output: [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]

oumi.utils.serialization_utils module#

class oumi.utils.serialization_utils.TorchJsonEncoder(*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)[source]#

Bases: JSONEncoder


Extending python’s JSON Encoder to serialize torch dtype.

oumi.utils.serialization_utils.json_serializer(obj: Any) str[source]#

Serializes a Python obj to a JSON formatted string.

oumi.utils.str_utils module#

oumi.utils.str_utils.compute_utf8_len(s: str) int[source]#

Computes string length in UTF-8 bytes.

oumi.utils.str_utils.sanitize_run_name(run_name: str | None) str | None[source]#

Computes a sanitized version of wandb run name.

A valid run name may only contain alphanumeric characters, dashes, underscores, and dots, with length not exceeding max limit.


run_name – The original raw value of run name.

oumi.utils.str_utils.str_to_bool(s: str) bool[source]#

Convert a string representation to a boolean value.

This function interprets various string inputs as boolean values. It is case-insensitive and recognizes common boolean representations.


s – The string to convert to a boolean.


The boolean interpretation of the input string.

Return type:



ValueError – If the input string cannot be interpreted as a boolean.


>>> str_to_bool("true") 
>>> str_to_bool("FALSE") 
>>> str_to_bool("1") 
>>> str_to_bool("no") 

oumi.utils.torch_naming_heuristics module#

Utility functions which use detect-by-name heuristics.

# TODO(OPE-303): These should be replaced with something more robust.

oumi.utils.torch_naming_heuristics.disable_dropout(hf_config: PretrainedConfig) None[source]#

Detects dropout probabilities in config and sets them to 0.0.

This essentially removes the dropout layer, which can aid the compiled model’s speed. Dropout is normally not used for LLM training, and also hinders the effectiveness of model compilation. We assume any attribute with “drop” in the name and a float value is a dropout param. For example, this includes attn_pdrop and summary_first_dropout for GPT2.


hf_config – The HuggingFace model config.

oumi.utils.torch_naming_heuristics.group_trainable_params(model: Module, weight_decay: float) list[dict[str, Any]][source]#

Groups trainable params by weight decay for optimization.

As a rule of thumb, we generally want to weight decay all 2d matrices, i.e. weight tensors for matmuls/embeddings, and not biases/layernorms.

  • model – The model whose parameters will be optimized.

  • weight_decay – The weight decay to apply to the appropriate parameters.


A list containing two dictionaries: the first with

parameters that should be weight decayed and the second with parameters that shouldn’t.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, Any]]

oumi.utils.torch_naming_heuristics.guess_transformer_layer_cls(model: Module) type[Module][source]#

Guess the transformer layer class based on the model architecture.

oumi.utils.torch_naming_heuristics.resolve_transformer_layer_cls_string_as_module_set(class_names: str) set[type[Module]][source]#

Get a module class from its string name.

oumi.utils.torch_naming_heuristics.simplify_transformer_layer_cls_string(class_names: str) str[source]#

Replaces fully-qualified class names with pure class names.

For example, converts ‘foo.Block,foo.util.Decoder’ to ‘Block,Decoder’.

The accelerate library expects the simplified format, while OUMI trainer requires fully-qualified class names.

oumi.utils.torch_utils module#

class oumi.utils.torch_utils.ModelParameterCount(all_params, trainable_params, embedding_params)[source]#

Bases: NamedTuple

all_params: int#

Alias for field number 0

embedding_params: int#

Alias for field number 2

trainable_params: int#

Alias for field number 1

oumi.utils.torch_utils.coerce_model_to_dtype(model: Module, dtype: dtype) None[source]#

Coerces the model to the desired dtype.

This is needed as a temporary workaround to support QLoRA FSDP training. See: huggingface/accelerate#1620

oumi.utils.torch_utils.convert_to_list_of_tensors(values: list[T]) list[Tensor][source]#

Converts a list of array-like objects into alist of torch tensors.

oumi.utils.torch_utils.count_model_parameters(model: Module) ModelParameterCount[source]#

Counts the number of parameters in a model.


model – The torch-implemented neural network.


A tuple of (total_parameters, trainable_parameters).

oumi.utils.torch_utils.create_model_summary(model: Any) str[source]#

Creates a model summary as a free-formed string.

oumi.utils.torch_utils.create_ones_like(values: T) T[source]#

Converts an array-like object into an object of the same type filled with 1-s.

Supports nested lists, in which case all elements must be of the same type.

oumi.utils.torch_utils.device_cleanup() None[source]#

Empties gpu cache, good to do before and after training for cleanup.

oumi.utils.torch_utils.estimate_sample_dict_size_in_bytes(sample: dict[str, Any]) int[source]#

Estimates the approximate total number of bytes in a provided sample.

Training sample is expected to be a dictionary, where a value is a list, tensor, or a numpy array.

The function works in best effort mode i.e., 100% accuaracy isn’t guaranteed. The implementation is slow, and shouldn’t be called in performance-sensitive code.

oumi.utils.torch_utils.format_cudnn_version(v: int | None) str[source]#

Formats the cuDNN version number.


v – The cuDNN version number.


A formatted string.

oumi.utils.torch_utils.freeze_model_layers(model: Module, freeze_layers: list[str]) int[source]#

Recursively freezes model layers.

  • model – A model to freeze layers in.

  • freeze_layers – A list of layer names to freeze. Nested layers can be specified using a dot (‘.’) separator. For example, “visual.child.grandchild”. Layer names not found in the model are ignored.


The total number of layers successfully frozen.

oumi.utils.torch_utils.get_dtype_size_in_bytes(dtype: str | dtype | dtype[Any] | None | type[Any] | _SupportsDType[dtype[Any]] | tuple[Any, int] | tuple[Any, SupportsIndex | Sequence[SupportsIndex]] | list[Any] | _DTypeDict | tuple[Any, Any]) int[source]#

Returns size of this dtype in bytes.

oumi.utils.torch_utils.get_first_dim_len(x: Any) int[source]#

Returns length of the first dimension.

oumi.utils.torch_utils.get_shape_as_list(x: Any) list[int][source]#

Returns shape of an object (tensor or numpy array) as Python list.

oumi.utils.torch_utils.get_torch_dtype(torch_dtype_str: str) dtype[source]#

Converts string dtype to torch.dtype.

oumi.utils.torch_utils.limit_per_process_memory(percent: float = 0.95) None[source]#

Limits process memory by a certain percentage.

On Windows and WSL, there’s a pool of ‘shared gpu memory’. This pool is using the RAM (slow) on one’s machine rather than actual VRAM (fast). Setting this value ensures your machine never uses the slow memory and OOMs instead. Note that this may not be needed on Linux machines since this is an OS-level feature.

oumi.utils.torch_utils.log_devices_info(filepath: Path | None = None) None[source]#

Logs high-level info about all available accelerator devices.

oumi.utils.torch_utils.log_model_summary(model, filepath: Path | None = None) None[source]#

Logs a model summary.


Log the peak GPU memory usage.

oumi.utils.torch_utils.log_trainable_parameters(model: Module) None[source]#

Logs the number of trainable parameters of the model.


model – The torch-implemented neural network.

Note: original code: huggingface/peft

oumi.utils.torch_utils.log_versioning_info() None[source]#

Logs misc versioning information.

oumi.utils.torch_utils.pad_sequences(sequences: list[T], *, padding_value: float = 0, padding_side: str | None = None) Tensor[source]#

Pads a list of variable-length tensors to a single tensor.

  • sequences – list of variable length sequences.

  • padding_value – value for padded elements. Default: 0.

  • padding_side – side to apply padding to. Valid values: ‘right’, ‘left’.


A tensor with shape (B, L, …), where B is a batch size (len(sequences)), L is the longest length (max(len(sequences[i])))

oumi.utils.torch_utils.pad_sequences_left_side(sequences: list[T], *, padding_value: float = 0) Tensor[source]#

Pads a list of variable-length tensors to a single tensor.

Prepends padding_value to the left side of each sequence to expand to the longest length.

  • sequences – list of variable length sequences.

  • padding_value – value for padded elements. Default: 0.


A tensor with shape (B, L, …), where B is a batch size (len(sequences)), L is the longest length (max(len(sequences[i])))

oumi.utils.torch_utils.pad_sequences_right_side(sequences: list[T], *, padding_value: float = 0) Tensor[source]#

Pads a list of variable-length tensors to a single tensor.

Appends padding_value to the right side of each sequence to expand to the longest length.

  • sequences – list of variable length sequences.

  • padding_value – value for padded elements. Default: 0.


A tensor with shape (B, L, …), where B is a batch size (len(sequences)), L is the longest length (max(len(sequences[i])))

oumi.utils.version_utils module#

oumi.utils.version_utils.get_python_package_versions() dict[str, str][source]#

Returns a dictionary of the installed package names and their versions.

oumi.utils.version_utils.is_dev_build() bool[source]#

Checks if the current version of Oumi is a development build.