Source code for oumi.utils.torch_utils

# Copyright 2025 - Oumi
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import gc
import math
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, NamedTuple, Optional, TypeVar, Union, cast

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing
import torch

from oumi.utils.device_utils import get_nvidia_gpu_memory_utilization
from oumi.utils.logging import logger
from oumi.utils.str_utils import compute_utf8_len

[docs] def device_cleanup() -> None: """Empties gpu cache, good to do before and after training for cleanup.""" logger.debug("Running garbage collection.") gc.collect() if torch.cuda.is_available(): logger.debug("Cleaning up GPU memory.") logger.debug( "GPU memory occupied before cleanup: " f"{get_nvidia_gpu_memory_utilization()} MiB" ) torch.cuda.empty_cache() logger.debug(f"Memory after cleanup: {get_nvidia_gpu_memory_utilization()} MiB") elif torch.backends.mps.is_available(): logger.debug("Cleaning up MPS memory.") torch.mps.empty_cache()
[docs] def limit_per_process_memory(percent: float = 0.95) -> None: """Limits process memory by a certain percentage. On Windows and WSL, there's a pool of 'shared gpu memory'. This pool is using the RAM (slow) on one's machine rather than actual VRAM (fast). Setting this value ensures your machine never uses the slow memory and OOMs instead. Note that this may not be needed on Linux machines since this is an OS-level feature. """ if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.set_per_process_memory_fraction(percent)
[docs] def format_cudnn_version(v: Optional[int]) -> str: """Formats the cuDNN version number. Args: v: The cuDNN version number. Returns: A formatted string. """ if v is None: return "" return ".".join(map(str, (v // 1000, v // 100 % 10, v % 100)))
[docs] def log_versioning_info() -> None: """Logs misc versioning information.""""Torch version: {torch.__version__}. NumPy version: {np.__version__}") if not torch.cuda.is_available():"CUDA is not available!") return # pyright seems to have an issue with torch==2.5.1 # torch.version is always available, but pyright doesn't know that if hasattr(torch, "version"):"CUDA version: {torch.version.cuda} ") # type: ignore # For AMD GPUs, these functions return ROCm, MlOpen versions respectively. f"CuDNN version: {format_cudnn_version(torch.backends.cudnn.version())}" )
[docs] def log_devices_info(filepath: Optional[Path] = None) -> None: """Logs high-level info about all available accelerator devices.""" if not torch.cuda.is_available(): return ncpus = os.cpu_count() num_devices = torch.cuda.device_count() log_lines = [f"CPU cores: {ncpus} CUDA devices: {num_devices}"] def _mem_to_gib(x): return round(float(x) / 1024**3, 2) for i in range(num_devices): device_name = torch.cuda.get_device_name(i) mem_free, mem_total = torch.cuda.mem_get_info(i) mem_allocated = torch.cuda.memory_allocated(i) mem_reserved = torch.cuda.memory_reserved(i) capability = torch.cuda.get_device_capability(i) log_lines.append( f"device({i})='{device_name}' " f"Capability: {capability} " f"Memory: [Total: {_mem_to_gib(mem_total)}GiB " f"Free: {_mem_to_gib(mem_free)}GiB " f"Allocated: {_mem_to_gib(mem_allocated)}GiB " f"Cached: {_mem_to_gib(mem_reserved)}GiB]" ) all_text = "\n".join(log_lines) if filepath: with"w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(all_text)
[docs] def log_peak_gpu_memory(): """Log the peak GPU memory usage.""" if torch.cuda.is_available(): peak_memory = torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated() / 1024**3 # Convert to GB"Peak GPU memory usage: {peak_memory:.2f} GB")
[docs] def create_model_summary(model: Any) -> str: """Creates a model summary as a free-formed string.""" lines = ["Model summary:", repr(model), ""] module_lines = [f"{name} ({type(layer)})" for name, layer in model.named_modules()] lines.append(f"Modules ({len(module_lines)}):") lines.extend(module_lines) lines.append("") # TODO: Consider whether to use `torchsummary` library here. # Caveat: it may require sample inputs/shapes, and other aux info. return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def log_model_summary(model, filepath: Optional[Path] = None) -> None: """Logs a model summary.""" model_summary = create_model_summary(model) if filepath: with"w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(model_summary)
[docs] class ModelParameterCount(NamedTuple): all_params: int trainable_params: int embedding_params: int
def _get_parameter_names( model: torch.nn.Module, forbidden_layer_types: list[Any] ) -> list[str]: """Returns the names of the model parameters that are not inside a forbidden layer. Borrowed from """ result = [] for name, child in model.named_children(): result += [ f"{name}.{n}" for n in _get_parameter_names(child, forbidden_layer_types) if not isinstance(child, tuple(forbidden_layer_types)) ] # Add model specific parameters (defined with nn.Parameter) since they are not in # any child. result += list(model._parameters.keys()) return result
[docs] def count_model_parameters(model: torch.nn.Module) -> ModelParameterCount: """Counts the number of parameters in a model. Args: model: The torch-implemented neural network. Returns: A tuple of (total_parameters, trainable_parameters). """ trainable_params = 0 all_params = 0 embedding_params = 0 embedding_layer_names = [] for name, module in model.named_modules(): if isinstance(module, torch.nn.Embedding): # Embedding layers appear in named_parameters with ".weight" at the end embedding_layer_names.append(name + ".weight") for name, param in model.named_parameters(): param_count = param.numel() all_params += param_count if param.requires_grad: trainable_params += param_count if name in embedding_layer_names: embedding_params += param_count return ModelParameterCount( all_params=all_params, trainable_params=trainable_params, embedding_params=embedding_params, )
[docs] def log_trainable_parameters(model: torch.nn.Module) -> None: """Logs the number of trainable parameters of the model. Args: model: The torch-implemented neural network. Note: original code: """ params = count_model_parameters(model) all_params = params.all_params trainable_params = params.trainable_params f"Trainable params: {trainable_params} || All params: {all_params} " f"|| Trainable%: {100 * trainable_params / all_params:.4f}" )
[docs] def get_torch_dtype(torch_dtype_str: str) -> torch.dtype: """Converts string dtype to torch.dtype.""" torch_dtype_str = torch_dtype_str.lower() if torch_dtype_str in ["f64", "float64", "double"]: return torch.float64 elif torch_dtype_str in ["f32", "float32", "float"]: return torch.float32 elif torch_dtype_str in ["bf16", "bfloat16"]: return torch.bfloat16 elif torch_dtype_str in ["f16", "float16", "half"]: return torch.float16 elif torch_dtype_str in ["uint8"]: return torch.uint8 else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported torch dtype: {torch_dtype_str}")
[docs] def get_dtype_size_in_bytes( dtype: Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.typing.DTypeLike], ) -> int: """Returns size of this dtype in bytes.""" if isinstance(dtype, torch.dtype): return dtype.itemsize elif isinstance(dtype, str): if not dtype: raise ValueError("Empty string is not a valid dtype") try: # Try to parse using non-standard names like "f64" return get_torch_dtype(dtype).itemsize except ValueError: return np.dtype(dtype).itemsize return np.dtype(dtype).itemsize
def _estimate_item_size_in_bytes(item: Any) -> int: if isinstance(item, (int, float)): return 4 elif isinstance(item, (np.ndarray, torch.Tensor)): num_elements = return num_elements * get_dtype_size_in_bytes(item.dtype) elif isinstance(item, list): return _estimate_sample_list_size_in_bytes(item) elif isinstance(item, str): return compute_utf8_len(item) elif isinstance(item, (str, bytes)): return len(item) return 0 def _estimate_sample_list_size_in_bytes(sample_list: list[Any]) -> int: num_elements = len(sample_list) if num_elements <= 0: return 0 return sum(_estimate_item_size_in_bytes(item) for item in sample_list)
[docs] def estimate_sample_dict_size_in_bytes(sample: dict[str, Any]) -> int: """Estimates the approximate total number of bytes in a provided sample. Training sample is expected to be a dictionary, where a value is a list, tensor, or a numpy array. The function works in best effort mode i.e., 100% accuaracy isn't guaranteed. The implementation is slow, and shouldn't be called in performance-sensitive code. """ result = 0 for key, val in sample.items(): result += compute_utf8_len(key) result += _estimate_item_size_in_bytes(val) return result
[docs] def coerce_model_to_dtype(model: torch.nn.Module, dtype: torch.dtype) -> None: """Coerces the model to the desired dtype. This is needed as a temporary workaround to support QLoRA FSDP training. See: """ for name, module in model.named_modules(): try: except Exception as e: logger.warning( f"Failed to coerce module {name} to dtype {dtype}. Error: {e}" )
T = TypeVar("T")
[docs] def convert_to_list_of_tensors(values: list[T]) -> list[torch.Tensor]: """Converts a list of array-like objects into alist of torch tensors.""" if len(values) == 0: return [] first_item = values[0] if isinstance(first_item, torch.Tensor): return [cast(torch.Tensor, item) for item in values] if isinstance(first_item, np.ndarray): return [torch.from_numpy(item) for item in values] elif isinstance(first_item, list): return [torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(item)) for item in values] raise ValueError( f"Unsupported element type: {type(first_item)}. " "Must be numpy array, torch tensor, or Python list." )
def _pad_sequences_impl( sequences: list[torch.Tensor], *, padding_value: float = 0 ) -> torch.Tensor: return torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence( sequences, batch_first=True, padding_value=padding_value )
[docs] def pad_sequences_right_side( sequences: list[T], *, padding_value: float = 0 ) -> torch.Tensor: """Pads a list of variable-length tensors to a single tensor. Appends `padding_value` to the right side of each sequence to expand to the longest length. Args: sequences: list of variable length sequences. padding_value: value for padded elements. Default: 0. Returns: A tensor with shape (B, L, ...), where B is a batch size (`len(sequences)`), L is the longest length (`max(len(sequences[i]))`) """ if len(sequences) == 0: raise ValueError("Empty list is not allowed.") tensor_sequences = convert_to_list_of_tensors(sequences) return _pad_sequences_impl(tensor_sequences, padding_value=padding_value)
[docs] def pad_sequences_left_side( sequences: list[T], *, padding_value: float = 0 ) -> torch.Tensor: """Pads a list of variable-length tensors to a single tensor. Prepends `padding_value` to the left side of each sequence to expand to the longest length. Args: sequences: list of variable length sequences. padding_value: value for padded elements. Default: 0. Returns: A tensor with shape (B, L, ...), where B is a batch size (`len(sequences)`), L is the longest length (`max(len(sequences[i]))`) """ if len(sequences) == 0: raise ValueError("Empty list is not allowed.") tensor_sequences = convert_to_list_of_tensors(sequences) # FIXME OPE-644 Start using `torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(padding_size="left")` # after we migrate to torch >=2.5.*. # For now, do this to achieve left side padding: # 1. Reverse all input sequences. # 2. Right pad. # 3. Unreverse all sequences in right-padded result. # Note that torch.flip() copies tensors, so there is performance cost. tensor_sequences = [torch.flip(s, dims=(0,)) for s in tensor_sequences] result = _pad_sequences_impl(tensor_sequences, padding_value=padding_value) result = torch.flip(result, dims=(1,)) return result
[docs] def pad_sequences( sequences: list[T], *, padding_value: float = 0, padding_side: Optional[str] = None ) -> torch.Tensor: """Pads a list of variable-length tensors to a single tensor. Args: sequences: list of variable length sequences. padding_value: value for padded elements. Default: 0. padding_side: side to apply padding to. Valid values: 'right', 'left'. Returns: A tensor with shape (B, L, ...), where B is a batch size (`len(sequences)`), L is the longest length (`max(len(sequences[i]))`) """ if not padding_side or padding_side == "right": return pad_sequences_right_side(sequences, padding_value=padding_value) elif padding_side == "left": return pad_sequences_left_side(sequences, padding_value=padding_value) raise ValueError( f"Unsupported padding side: '{padding_side}'. Valid values: 'right', 'left'." )
[docs] def create_ones_like( values: T, ) -> T: """Converts an array-like object into an object of the same type filled with 1-s. Supports nested lists, in which case all elements must be of the same type. """ if isinstance(values, torch.Tensor): return torch.ones_like(values) elif isinstance(values, np.ndarray): return np.ones_like(values) elif not isinstance(values, list): raise ValueError( f"Unsupported type: {type(values)}. " "Must be numpy array, torch tensor, or Python list." ) if len(values) == 0: return cast(T, []) first_item = values[0] if isinstance(first_item, (int, float)): result = list(np.ones_like(values)) else: # Nested list first_item_type = type(first_item) result = [] for idx, item in enumerate(values): if idx > 0 and not isinstance(item, first_item_type): raise ValueError( "Sequence contains elements of different types: " f"{first_item_type} and {type(item)}." ) result.append(create_ones_like(item)) return cast(T, result)
[docs] def get_first_dim_len(x: Any) -> int: """Returns length of the first dimension.""" if isinstance(x, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray)): return int(x.shape[0]) elif isinstance(x, list): return len(x) raise ValueError( f"Unsupported type: {type(x)}. " "Must be numpy array, torch tensor, or Python list." )
[docs] def get_shape_as_list(x: Any) -> list[int]: """Returns shape of an object (tensor or numpy array) as Python list.""" if isinstance(x, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray)): return list(x.shape) raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type: {type(x)}. Must be numpy array, torch tensor.")
class _FreezeModelLayer: def __init__(self, name: str, freeze_it: bool): str = name self.freeze_it: bool = freeze_it self.children: list[_FreezeModelLayer] = [] def _freeze_model_layers_impl( module: torch.nn.Module, freeze_layers: list[_FreezeModelLayer], parent_path: str ) -> int: result: int = 0 for model_layer in freeze_layers: full_layer_path = ( (parent_path + "." + if parent_path else ) if hasattr(module, child_module = getattr(module, if model_layer.freeze_it:"Freezing layer '{full_layer_path}'...") for param in child_module.parameters(recurse=True): param.requires_grad_(False) result += 1 elif len(model_layer.children) > 0: result += _freeze_model_layers_impl( child_module, model_layer.children, full_layer_path ) else: logger.warning(f"Layer '{full_layer_path}' not found in model.") return result def _group_freeze_model_layers(freeze_layers: list[str]) -> list[_FreezeModelLayer]: dummy_root: _FreezeModelLayer = _FreezeModelLayer(name="", freeze_it=False) # Build a tree of nested layers. for layer_name in freeze_layers: layer: _FreezeModelLayer = dummy_root all_parts = list(layer_name.split(".")) for idx, curr_part in enumerate(all_parts): next_layer = next((x for x in layer.children if == curr_part), None) # If it's the last part, let's freeze this layer. freeze_it = idx + 1 >= len(all_parts) if next_layer is None: next_layer = _FreezeModelLayer(name=curr_part, freeze_it=freeze_it) layer.children.append(next_layer) elif freeze_it: next_layer.freeze_it = True layer = next_layer return dummy_root.children
[docs] def freeze_model_layers(model: torch.nn.Module, freeze_layers: list[str]) -> int: """Recursively freezes model layers. Args: model: A model to freeze layers in. freeze_layers: A list of layer names to freeze. Nested layers can be specified using a dot ('.') separator. For example, "visual.child.grandchild". Layer names not found in the model are ignored. Returns: The total number of layers successfully frozen. """ root_freeze_layers = _group_freeze_model_layers(freeze_layers) return _freeze_model_layers_impl(model, root_freeze_layers, "")