
Getting Help#

Running into a problem? Check in with us on Discord-we’re happy to help!

Still can’t find a solution? Let us know by filing a new GitHub Issue.

Common Issues#

Pre-commit hook errors with VS Code#

  • When committing changes, you may encounter an error with pre-commit hooks related to missing imports.

  • To fix this, make sure to start your vscode instance after activating your conda environment.

    conda activate oumi
    code .  # inside the Oumi directory

Out of Memory (OOM)#

See Out of Memory (OOM) for more information.

Launching Remote Jobs Fail due to File Mounts#

When running a remote job using a command like:

oumi launch up -c your/config/file.yaml

It’s common to see failures with errors like:

ValueError: File mount source '~/.netrc' does not exist locally. To fix: check if it exists, and correct the path.

These errors indicate that your JobConfig contains a reference to a file that does not exist on your local machine. You can remove the offending line from your yaml file’s file_mounts to resolve the error if it’s unneeded. Otherwise, here’s how to resolve the error for specific files often mounted by Oumi jobs:

  • ~/.netrc: This file contains your Weights and Biases (WandB) credentials, which are needed to log your run’s metrics to WandB.

    • To fix, follow these instructions

    • If you don’t require WandB logging, disable either TrainingParams.enable_wandb or EvaluationConfig.enable_wandb, for training and evaluation jobs respectively. This is needed in addition to removing the file mount to prevent an error.

  • ~/.cache/huggingface/token: This file contains your Huggingface credentials, which are needed to access gated datasets/models on HuggingFace Hub.

Training Stability & NaN Loss#

  • Lower the initial learning rate

  • Enable gradient clipping (or, apply further clipping if already enabled)

  • Add learning rate warmup

config = TrainingConfig(

Inference Issues#

Quantization-Specific Issues#

Decreased model performance: