Source code for oumi.core.configs.params.training_params

# Copyright 2025 - Oumi
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import transformers
import trl

from oumi.core.configs.params.base_params import BaseParams
from oumi.core.configs.params.profiler_params import ProfilerParams
from oumi.core.configs.params.telemetry_params import TelemetryParams
from oumi.utils.str_utils import sanitize_run_name

[docs] class TrainerType(Enum): """Enum representing the supported trainers.""" TRL_SFT = "trl_sft" """Supervised fine-tuning trainer from `trl` library. This trainer is specifically designed for supervised fine-tuning tasks using the TRL (Transformer Reinforcement Learning) library. """ TRL_DPO = "trl_dpo" """Direct Preference Optimization trainer from `trl` library. This trainer implements the Direct Preference Optimization algorithm for fine-tuning language models based on human preferences. """ HF = "hf" """Generic HuggingFace trainer from `transformers` library. This is the standard trainer provided by the Hugging Face Transformers library, suitable for a wide range of training tasks. """ OUMI = "oumi" """Custom generic trainer implementation. This is a custom trainer implementation specific to the Oumi project, designed to provide additional flexibility and features. """
[docs] class SchedulerType(str, Enum): """Enum representing the supported learning rate schedulers. For optional args for each scheduler, see src/oumi/builders/ """ LINEAR = "linear" """Linear scheduler. Decreases the learning rate linearly from the initial value to 0 over the course of training. """ COSINE = "cosine" """Cosine scheduler. Decays the learning rate following the decreasing part of a cosine curve. """ COSINE_WITH_RESTARTS = "cosine_with_restarts" """Cosine with restarts scheduler. Decays the learning rate following a cosine curve with periodic restarts. """ COSINE_WITH_MIN_LR = "cosine_with_min_lr" """Cosine with a minimum learning rate scheduler. Similar to cosine scheduler, but maintains a minimum learning rate at the end. """ CONSTANT = "constant" """Constant scheduler. Keeps the learning rate constant throughout training. """
[docs] class MixedPrecisionDtype(str, Enum): """Enum representing the dtype used for mixed precision training. For more details on mixed-precision training, see: """ NONE = "none" """No mixed precision. Uses `ModelParams.torch_dtype` as the dtype for all tensors (model weights, optimizer state, activations, etc.). """ FP16 = "fp16" """fp16 mixed precision. Requires `ModelParams.torch_dtype` (the dtype of the model weights) to be fp32. The model weights and optimizer state are fp32, but some ops will run in fp16 to improve training speed. """ BF16 = "bf16" """Similar to fp16 mixed precision, but with bf16 instead. This requires Ampere or higher NVIDIA architecture, or using CPU or Ascend NPU. """
[docs] @dataclass class TrainingParams(BaseParams): use_peft: bool = False """Whether to use Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) techniques. PEFT methods allow for efficient adaptation of pre-trained language models to specific tasks by only updating a small number of (extra) model parameters. This can significantly reduce memory usage and training time. """ trainer_type: TrainerType = TrainerType.HF """The type of trainer to use for the training process. Options are defined in the `TrainerType` enum and include: - HF: HuggingFace's Trainer - TRL_SFT: TRL's SFT Trainer - TRL_DPO: TRL's DPO Trainer - OUMI: Custom generic trainer implementation """ enable_gradient_checkpointing: bool = False """Whether to enable gradient checkpointing to save memory at the expense of speed. Gradient checkpointing works by trading compute for memory. Rather than storing all intermediate activations of the entire computation graph for computing backward pass, it recomputes these activations during the backward pass. This can make the training slower, but it can also significantly reduce memory usage. """ gradient_checkpointing_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) """Keyword arguments for gradient checkpointing. The `use_reentrant` parameter is required and is recommended to be set to False. For more details, see: """ output_dir: str = "output" """Directory where the output files will be saved. This includes checkpoints, evaluation results, and any other artifacts produced during the training process. """ per_device_train_batch_size: int = 8 """Number of samples per batch on each device during training. This parameter directly affects memory usage and training speed. Larger batch sizes generally lead to better utilization of GPU compute capabilities but require more memory. """ per_device_eval_batch_size: int = 8 """Number of samples per batch on each device during evaluation. Similar to `per_device_train_batch_size`, but used during evaluation phases. Can often be set higher than the train batch size as no gradients are stored. """ gradient_accumulation_steps: int = 1 """Number of update steps to accumulate before performing a backward/update pass. This technique allows for effectively larger batch sizes and is especially useful when such batch sizes would not fit in memory. This is achieved by accumulating gradients from multiple forward passes before performing a single optimization step. Setting this to >1 can increase however memory usage for training setups without existing gradient accumulation buffers (ex. 1-GPU training). """ max_steps: int = -1 """If set to a positive number, the total number of training steps to perform. This parameter overrides `num_train_epochs`. If set to -1 (default), the number of training steps is determined by `num_train_epochs`. """ num_train_epochs: int = 3 """Total number of training epochs to perform (if `max_steps` is not specified). An epoch is one complete pass through the entire training dataset. This parameter is ignored if `max_steps` is set to a positive number. """ save_epoch: bool = False """Save a checkpoint at the end of every epoch. When set to True, this ensures that a model checkpoint is saved after each complete pass through the training data. This can be useful for tracking model progress over time and for resuming training from a specific epoch if needed. If both `save_steps` and `save_epoch` are set, then `save_steps` takes precedence. """ save_steps: int = 500 """Save a checkpoint every `save_steps` training steps. This parameter determines the frequency of saving checkpoints during training based on the number of steps. If both `save_steps` and `save_epoch` are set, then `save_steps` takes precedence. To disable saving checkpoints during training, set `save_steps` to `0` and `save_epoch` to `False`. If enabled, a checkpoint will be saved at the end of training if there's any residual steps left. """ save_final_model: bool = True """Whether to save the model at the end of training. For different options for saving PEFT models, see `PeftParams.peft_save_mode`. This should normally be set to `True` to ensure the final trained model is saved. However, in some cases, you may want to disable it, for example: - If saving a large model which takes a long time - When quickly testing training speed or metrics - During debugging or experimentation phases """ seed: int = 42 """Random seed used for initialization. This seed is passed to the trainer and to all downstream dependencies to ensure reproducibility of results. It affects random number generation in various parts of the training process, including data shuffling, weight initialization, and any stochastic operations. """ run_name: Optional[str] = None """A unique identifier for the current training run. This name is used to identify the run in logging outputs, saved model checkpoints, and experiment tracking tools like Weights & Biases or TensorBoard. It's particularly useful when running multiple experiments or when you want to easily distinguish between different training sessions. """ metrics_function: Optional[str] = None """The name of the metrics function in the Oumi registry to use for evaluation during training. The method must accept as input a HuggingFace EvalPrediction and return a dictionary of metrics, with string keys mapping to metric values. A single metrics_function may compute multiple metrics. """ log_level: str = "info" """The logging level for the main Oumi logger. Possible values are "debug", "info", "warning", "error", "critical". """ dep_log_level: str = "warning" """The logging level for dependency loggers (e.g., HuggingFace, PyTorch). Possible values are "debug", "info", "warning", "error", "critical". """ enable_wandb: bool = False """Whether to enable Weights & Biases (wandb) logging. If True, wandb will be used for experiment tracking and visualization. Wandb will also log a summary of the training run, including hyperparameters, metrics, and other relevant information at the end of training. After enabling, you must set the `WANDB_API_KEY` environment variable. Alternatively, you can use the `wandb login` command to authenticate. """ enable_tensorboard: bool = True """Whether to enable TensorBoard logging. If True, TensorBoard will be used for logging metrics and visualizations. """ logging_strategy: str = "steps" """The strategy to use for logging during training. Possible values are: - "steps": Log every `logging_steps` steps. - "epoch": Log at the end of each epoch. - "no": Disable logging. """ logging_dir: Optional[str] = None """The directory where training logs will be saved. This includes TensorBoard logs and other training-related output. """ logging_steps: int = 50 """Number of update steps between two logs if logging_strategy="steps". Ignored if logging_strategy is not "steps". """ logging_first_step: bool = field( default=False, metadata={"help": "Whether to log and evaluate the first global_step or not."}, ) """Whether to log and evaluate the first global step. If True, metrics will be logged and evaluation will be performed at the very beginning of training. Skipping the first step can be useful to avoid logging and evaluation of the initial random model. The first step is usually not representative of the model's performance, as it includes model compilation, optimizer initialization, and other setup steps. """ eval_strategy: str = "no" """The strategy to use for evaluation during training. Possible values: - "no": No evaluation is done during training. - "steps": Evaluation is done every `eval_steps`. - "epoch": Evaluation is done at the end of each epoch. """ eval_steps: int = 500 """Number of update steps between two evaluations if eval_strategy="steps". Ignored if eval_strategy is not "steps". """ learning_rate: float = 5e-05 """The initial learning rate for the optimizer. This value can be adjusted by the learning rate scheduler during training. """ lr_scheduler_type: str = "linear" """The type of learning rate scheduler to use. Possible values include "linear", "cosine", "cosine_with_restarts", "cosine_with_min_lr" and "constant". See `src/oumi/builders/` for more details on each scheduler. """ lr_scheduler_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) """Additional keyword arguments to pass to the learning rate scheduler. These arguments can be used to fine-tune the behavior of the chosen scheduler. """ warmup_ratio: Optional[float] = None """The ratio of total training steps used for a linear warmup from 0 to the learning rate. If set along with `warmup_steps`, this value will be ignored. """ warmup_steps: Optional[int] = None """The number of steps for the warmup phase of the learning rate scheduler. If set, will override the value of `warmup_ratio`. """ # --------------------- # Optimizer params. # --------------------- optimizer: str = "adamw_torch" """The optimizer to use for training. See pytorch documentation for more information on available optimizers: Default is "adamw_torch" (AdamW implemented by PyTorch). """ weight_decay: float = 0.0 """Weight decay (L2 penalty) to apply to the model's parameters. In the HF trainers and the OUMI trainer, this is automatically applied to only weight tensors, and skips biases/layernorms. Default is 0.0 (no weight decay). """ adam_beta1: float = 0.9 """The beta1 parameter for Adam-based optimizers. Exponential decay rate for the first moment estimates. Default is 0.9. """ adam_beta2: float = 0.999 """The beta2 parameter for Adam-based optimizers. Exponential decay rate for the second moment estimates. Default is 0.999. """ adam_epsilon: float = 1e-08 """Epsilon parameter for Adam-based optimizers. Small constant for numerical stability. Default is 1e-08. """ sgd_momentum: float = 0.0 """Momentum factor for SGD optimizer. Only used when optimizer is set to "sgd", and when `trainer_type` is set to OUMI. Default is 0.0. """ mixed_precision_dtype: MixedPrecisionDtype = MixedPrecisionDtype.NONE """The data type to use for mixed precision training. Default is NONE, which means no mixed precision is used. """ compile: bool = False """Whether to JIT compile the model. This parameter should be used instead of `ModelParams.compile` for training. """ include_performance_metrics: bool = False """Whether to include performance metrics such as token statistics.""" include_alternative_mfu_metrics: bool = False """Whether to report alternative MFU (Model FLOPs Utilization) metrics. These metrics are based on HuggingFace's `total_flos`. This option is only used if `include_performance_metrics` is `True`. """ log_model_summary: bool = False """Whether to print a model summary, including layer names.""" resume_from_checkpoint: Optional[str] = None """Path to a checkpoint folder from which to resume training. If specified, training will resume by first loading the model from this folder. """ try_resume_from_last_checkpoint: bool = False """If True, attempt to resume from the last checkpoint in "output_dir". If a checkpoint is found, training will resume from the model/optimizer/scheduler states loaded from this checkpoint. If no checkpoint is found, training will continue without loading any intermediate checkpoints. Note: If `resume_from_checkpoint` is specified and contains a non-empty path, this parameter has no effect. """ dataloader_num_workers: Union[int, str] = 0 """Number of subprocesses to use for data loading (PyTorch only). 0 means that the data will be loaded in the main process. You can also use the special value "auto" to select the number of dataloader workers using a simple heuristic based on the number of CPU-s and GPU-s per node. Note that the accurate estimation of workers is difficult and depends on many factors (the properties of a model, dataset, VM, network, etc) so you can start with "auto" then experimentally tune the exact number to make it more optimal for your specific case. If "auto" is requested, then at minimum 1 worker is guaranteed to be assigned. """ dataloader_prefetch_factor: Optional[int] = None """Number of batches loaded in advance by each worker. 2 means there will be a total of 2 * num_workers batches prefetched across all workers. This is only used if dataloader_num_workers >= 1. """ dataloader_main_process_only: Optional[bool] = None """Controls whether the dataloader is iterated through on the main process only. If set to `True`, the dataloader is only iterated through on the main process (rank 0), then the batches are split and broadcast to each process. This can reduce the number of requests to the dataset, and helps ensure that each example is seen by max one GPU per epoch, but may become a performance bottleneck if a large number of GPUs is used. If set to `False`, the dataloader is iterated through on each GPU process. If set to `None` (default), then `True` or `False` is auto-selected based on heuristics (properties of dataset, the number of nodes and/or GPUs, etc). NOTE: We recommend to benchmark your setup, and configure `True` or `False`. """ ddp_find_unused_parameters: Optional[bool] = None """When using PyTorch's DistributedDataParallel training, the value of this flag is passed to `find_unused_parameters`. Will default to `False` if gradient checkpointing is used, `True` otherwise. """ max_grad_norm: Optional[float] = 1.0 """Maximum gradient norm (for gradient clipping) to avoid exploding gradients which can destabilize training. Defaults to 1.0. When set to 0.0 or None gradient clipping will not be applied. """ trainer_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) """Additional keyword arguments to pass to the Trainer. This allows for customization of the Trainer beyond the standard parameters defined in this class. Any key-value pairs added here will be passed directly to the Trainer's constructor. """ profiler: ProfilerParams = field(default_factory=ProfilerParams) """Parameters for performance profiling. This field contains configuration options for the profiler, which can be used to analyze the performance of the training process. It uses the ProfilerParams class to define specific profiling settings. """ telemetry: TelemetryParams = field(default_factory=TelemetryParams) """Parameters for telemetry. This field contains telemetry configuration options. """ empty_device_cache_steps: Optional[int] = None """Number of steps to wait before calling `torch.<device>.empty_cache()`. This parameter determines how frequently the GPU cache should be cleared during training. If set, it will trigger cache clearing every `empty_device_cache_steps`. If left as None, the cache will not be emptied automatically. Setting this can help manage GPU memory usage, especially for large models or long training runs, but may impact performance if set too low. """ nccl_default_timeout_minutes: Optional[float] = None """Default timeout for NCCL operations in minutes. See: If unset, will use the default value of `torch.distributed.init_process_group` which is 10min. """
[docs] def to_hf(self): """Converts Oumi config to HuggingFace's TrainingArguments.""" save_strategy: str = "no" if self.save_epoch: save_strategy = "epoch" if self.save_steps > 0: save_strategy = "steps" dataloader_num_workers = 0 if isinstance(self.dataloader_num_workers, int): dataloader_num_workers = self.dataloader_num_workers else: raise ValueError( "Unexpected type of dataloader_num_workers: " f"{type(self.dataloader_num_workers)} " f"({self.dataloader_num_workers}). Must be `int`." ) dispatch_batches = self.dataloader_main_process_only if self.trainer_type == TrainerType.TRL_SFT: config_class = trl.SFTConfig elif self.trainer_type == TrainerType.TRL_DPO: config_class = trl.DPOConfig else: config_class = transformers.TrainingArguments result = config_class( gradient_accumulation_steps=self.gradient_accumulation_steps, log_level=self.dep_log_level, logging_dir=self.logging_dir, logging_nan_inf_filter=True, logging_steps=self.logging_steps, logging_strategy=self.logging_strategy, max_steps=self.max_steps, num_train_epochs=self.num_train_epochs, output_dir=self.output_dir, per_device_eval_batch_size=self.per_device_eval_batch_size, per_device_train_batch_size=self.per_device_train_batch_size, push_to_hub=False, report_to=self._get_hf_report_to(), run_name=self.run_name, optim=self.optimizer, learning_rate=self.learning_rate, lr_scheduler_type=self.lr_scheduler_type, lr_scheduler_kwargs=self.lr_scheduler_kwargs, warmup_ratio=self.warmup_ratio or 0.0, # same default as transformers warmup_steps=self.warmup_steps or 0, # same default as transformers weight_decay=self.weight_decay, adam_beta1=self.adam_beta1, adam_beta2=self.adam_beta2, adam_epsilon=self.adam_epsilon, gradient_checkpointing=self.enable_gradient_checkpointing, gradient_checkpointing_kwargs=self.gradient_checkpointing_kwargs, include_tokens_per_second=self.include_performance_metrics, include_num_input_tokens_seen=self.include_performance_metrics, fp16=self.mixed_precision_dtype == MixedPrecisionDtype.FP16, bf16=self.mixed_precision_dtype == MixedPrecisionDtype.BF16, torch_compile=self.compile, save_steps=self.save_steps, save_strategy=save_strategy, logging_first_step=self.logging_first_step, torch_empty_cache_steps=self.empty_device_cache_steps, resume_from_checkpoint=self.resume_from_checkpoint, eval_strategy=self.eval_strategy, eval_steps=self.eval_steps, dataloader_num_workers=dataloader_num_workers, dataloader_prefetch_factor=( self.dataloader_prefetch_factor if dataloader_num_workers > 0 else None ), dataloader_pin_memory=True, # Set it to True to be explicit. ddp_find_unused_parameters=self.ddp_find_unused_parameters, max_grad_norm=self.max_grad_norm, # type: ignore dispatch_batches=dispatch_batches, # TODO Switch to `accelerator_config` for `dispatch_batches` # accelerator_config={ # accelerator config for multi-device training # "split_batches": False, # "dispatch_batches": dispatch_batches, # "even_batches": True, # "use_seedable_sampler": True, # }, seed=self.seed, # TODO: OPE-891 - Support setting a data seed. # By default, HF will use the global seed for data loading. **self.trainer_kwargs, ) assert isinstance(result, transformers.TrainingArguments) return result
def _get_hf_report_to(self) -> list[str]: """Gets the list of reporting tools enabled for the current instance. Returns: list: A list of reporting tools enabled. Possible values are "wandb", "tensorboard", or "none". """ report_to = [] if self.enable_wandb: report_to.append("wandb") if self.enable_tensorboard: report_to.append("tensorboard") if len(report_to) == 0: report_to.append("none") return report_to
[docs] def __post_init__(self): """Verifies params.""" self.run_name = sanitize_run_name(self.run_name) if isinstance(self.dataloader_num_workers, str) and not ( self.dataloader_num_workers == "auto" ): raise ValueError( "Unknown value of " f"dataloader_num_workers: {self.dataloader_num_workers}" ) if self.gradient_accumulation_steps < 1: raise ValueError("gradient_accumulation_steps must be >= 1.") if self.max_grad_norm is not None and self.max_grad_norm < 0: raise ValueError("max_grad_norm must be >= 0.") if not (self.max_steps > 0 or self.num_train_epochs > 0): raise ValueError( "At least one of max_steps and num_train_epochs must be positive. " f"Actual: max_steps: {self.max_steps}, " f"num_train_epochs: {self.num_train_epochs}." )
@property def telemetry_dir(self) -> Optional[Path]: """Returns the telemetry stats output directory.""" result: Optional[Path] = None if self.telemetry.telemetry_dir: result = Path(self.telemetry.telemetry_dir) if self.output_dir: output_dir = Path(self.output_dir) # If `telemetry.telemetry_dir` is relative, then treat it # as a sub-directory of `output_dir`. if result and not result.is_absolute(): result = output_dir / result return result