Source code for oumi.core.evaluation.backends.lm_harness

# Copyright 2025 - Oumi
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import random
from pprint import pformat
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Union

import lm_eval.loggers.utils as lm_harness_log_utils
import numpy as np
import torch
from lm_eval import evaluate as lm_harness_evaluate
from import ConfigurableGroup
from lm_eval.api.registry import get_model as lm_harness_get_model_class
from lm_eval.api.task import Task
from lm_eval.loggers import WandbLogger
from lm_eval.tasks import get_task_dict as lm_harness_get_task_dict

from import build_processor, build_tokenizer
from import is_image_text_llm_using_model_name
from oumi.core.configs import (
from oumi.core.distributed import is_world_process_zero
from oumi.core.evaluation.evaluation_result import EvaluationResult
from oumi.utils.logging import logger

# Used to set the few-shot seed for lm_eval.api.task.Task. The value is consistent with
# LM Harness `simple_evaluate`'s default `fewshot_random_seed` = 1234.

# How to map LM Harness `model_args` to Oumi's `ModelParams` and `GenerationParams`?   #
# Which LM Harness `model` types (hf, vllm, etc) support each parameter?               #
# ------------------- | -------------- | -- | ---- | ------------- | -------- | ------ #
# LM Harness          | Oumi           | LM Harness `model`                            #
# `model_args`        | `model_params` | hf | vllm | hf-multimodal | vllm-vlm | remote #
# ------------------- | -------------- | -- | ---- | ------------- | -------- | ------ #
# trust_remote_code   |                | Υ  | Υ    | Υ             | Υ        | Y      #
# pretrained          | model_name     | Υ  | Υ    | Υ             | Υ        | Y      #
# dtype               | torch_dtype    | Υ  | Υ    | Υ             | Υ        | Y      #
# max_length          |model_max_length| Υ  | Υ    | Υ             | Υ        | Y      #
# tokenizer           | tokenizer_name | Υ  | Υ    | Υ             | Υ        | Y      #
# peft                | adapter_model  | Υ  |      | Υ             |          |        #
# parallelize         | shard_for_eval | Υ  |      | Υ             |          |        #
# device_map          |                | ?? |      | ??            |          |        #
# attn_implementation |                | ?? |      | ??            |          |        #
# ------------------- | -------------- | -- | ---- | ------------- | -------- | ------ #
# max_images          |                | NA | NA   | Υ             | Υ        | NA     #
# interleave          |                | NA | NA   | Υ             | Υ        | NA     #
# convert_img_format  |                | NA | NA   | Υ             |          | NA     #
# image_token_id      |                | NA | NA   | Υ             |          | NA     #
# image_string        |                | NA | NA   | Υ             |          | NA     #
# LM Harness          | Oumi `generat- | LM Harness `model`                            #
# `model_args`        | ion_params`    | hf | vllm | hf-multimodal | vllm-vlm | remote #
# ------------------- | -------------- | -- | ---- | ------------- | -------- | ------ #
# batch_size          |                | Υ  | Υ    | Υ             | Υ        | Y      #

# How to map LM Harness `model_args` (specifically the ones related to a remote        #
# inference engine) to Oumi's `remote_params`?                                         #
# ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# LM Harness `model_args` | Oumi `remote_params`                                       #
# ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# base_url                |  api_url                                                   #
# num_concurrent          |  num_workers                                               #
# max_retries             |  max_retries                                               #
# timeout                 |  connection_timeout                                        #

# Mapping of LM Harness `model` types to the corresponding class and file              #
# --------------------------|---------------------|----------------------------------- #
# LM Harness `model`        | Class               | File in lm-evaluation-harness repo #
# (= inference engine)      | name                | located under lm_eval/models/...   #
# --------------------------|---------------------|----------------------------------- #
# hf                        | HFLM                |                     #
# vllm                      | VLLM                |                  #
# hf-multimodal             | HFMultimodalLM      |                         #
# vllm-vlm                  | VLLM_VLM            |                       #
# local-completions         | LocalCompletionsAPI |              #

def _generate_lm_harness_model_args(
    lm_harness_model: str,
    is_multimodal: bool,
    device: str,
    model_params: ModelParams,
    generation_params: GenerationParams,
    inference_engine_type: InferenceEngineType,
    inference_remote_params: Optional[RemoteParams],
) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Converts Oumi's ModelParams to LM Harness model arguments."""
    # If batch size isn't specified, we set it to "auto", which will let LM Harness
    # automatically select the largest batch size that will fit in memory.
    batch_size = generation_params.batch_size or "auto"

    # Arguments used across all engines and modalities.
    model_args_dict = {
        "trust_remote_code": model_params.trust_remote_code,
        "pretrained": model_params.model_name,
        "dtype": model_params.torch_dtype,
        "max_length": model_params.model_max_length,
        "batch_size": batch_size,
        "max_batch_size": None,
        "device": device,
    if model_params.tokenizer_name:
        model_args_dict["tokenizer"] = model_params.tokenizer_name

    # Add NATIVE inference engine's additional parameters.
    if inference_engine_type == InferenceEngineType.NATIVE:
        if model_args_dict["batch_size"] == "auto":
            # NATIVE (hf) inference engine can NOT accept auto batch size.
            model_args_dict["batch_size"] = 1
        model_args_dict["parallelize"] = model_params.shard_for_eval
        model_args_dict["device_map"] = model_params.device_map
        if model_params.adapter_model:
            model_args_dict["peft"] = model_params.adapter_model
        if model_params.attn_implementation:
            model_args_dict["attn_implementation"] = model_params.attn_implementation

    # Add REMOTE inference engine's additional parameters.
    if inference_engine_type == InferenceEngineType.REMOTE:
        if not inference_remote_params:
            raise ValueError(
                "The `REMOTE` inference engine requires `inference_remote_params`."
        model_args_dict["base_url"] = inference_remote_params.api_url
        if inference_remote_params.num_workers > 0:
            model_args_dict["num_concurrent"] = inference_remote_params.num_workers
        if inference_remote_params.max_retries > 0:
            model_args_dict["max_retries"] = inference_remote_params.max_retries
        if inference_remote_params.connection_timeout > 0:
            model_args_dict["timeout"] = int(inference_remote_params.connection_timeout)

    # Add multi-modal related parameters.
    # details at
    if is_multimodal:
        # FIXME OPE-355 To remove `max_images=1` limit
        model_args_dict |= {"max_images": 1, "interleave": True}

        # Only applicable to hf-multimodal (NOT vllm-vlm).
        if lm_harness_model == "hf-multimodal":
            model_args_dict["convert_img_format"] = True

            tokenizer = build_tokenizer(model_params)
            processor = build_processor(
            if image_token := processor.image_token:
                model_args_dict["image_string"] = image_token
            if image_token_id := processor.image_token_id:
                model_args_dict["image_token_id"] = image_token_id

    # Handle extra model_kwargs (construction arguments).
    # Towards OPE-564.
    if model_params.model_kwargs:
        for key in ["load_in_4bit", "load_in_8bit", "max_memory_per_gpu"]:
            if key in model_params.model_kwargs:
                model_args_dict[key] = model_params.model_kwargs[key]
        # TODO: load_in_8bit, load_in_4bit are deprecated and will be removed in
        # future versions of HF. Integrate via PeftConfig.
    return model_args_dict

def _apply_to_all_tasks(
    task_dict: dict[Union[str, ConfigurableGroup], Union[Task, dict]],
    fn: Callable,
    fn_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> None:
    """Apply the provided function `fn` to all tasks in the `task_dict`."""
    fn_kwargs = fn_kwargs or {}
    for task_obj in task_dict.values():
        if isinstance(task_obj, dict):
            _apply_to_all_tasks(task_obj, fn, fn_kwargs)
        elif isinstance(task_obj, Task):
            fn(task_obj, **fn_kwargs)
            raise ValueError(f"Expected `lm_eval.api.task.Task` but got: {task_obj}")

def _get_task_dict(
    task_params: LMHarnessTaskParams,
) -> dict[Union[str, ConfigurableGroup], Union[Task, dict]]:
    """Get a dictionary of LM Harness tasks, given Oumi's `task_params`."""
    if not task_params.task_name:
        raise ValueError("The `task_name` must be specified for LM Harness evaluation.")
    task_dict: dict = lm_harness_get_task_dict(task_params.task_name)

    # Sanity checks for `task_dict`.
    if not task_dict:
        raise ValueError(f"Task `{task_params.task_name}` not available in LM Harness.")
    elif len(task_dict) > 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "Unexpected `task_dict` from LM Harness, consisting of multiple tasks, "
            f"while a single task ({task_params.task_name}) was requested: {task_dict}."
        assert len(task_dict) == 1
        task_name = next(iter(task_dict))
        if isinstance(task_name, ConfigurableGroup):
            task_name: str = task_name.group_name
        if task_name != task_params.task_name:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Inconsistent task naming. Task `{task_params.task_name}` was "
                f"requested, but LM Harness returned the `task_dict`: {task_dict}."

    # Apply the following function to each task in the task_dict, in order to overwrite
    # the default parameters with the ones specified in `task_params`.
    def overwrite_task_params(task: Task) -> None:
        # Set the number of few shots to be added to the prompt.
        task.set_config(key="num_fewshot", value=task_params.num_fewshot)

        # Set the random seed (for reproducibility and consistency with LM Harness).

    _apply_to_all_tasks(task_dict, fn=overwrite_task_params)

    return task_dict

def _set_random_seeds(random_seed, numpy_random_seed, torch_random_seed) -> None:
    """Setting random seeds for reproducibility and consistency with LM Harness."""
    if random_seed is not None:

    if numpy_random_seed is not None:

    if torch_random_seed is not None:

[docs] def evaluate( task_params: LMHarnessTaskParams, config: EvaluationConfig, random_seed: Optional[int] = 0, numpy_random_seed: Optional[int] = 1234, torch_random_seed: Optional[int] = 1234, ) -> EvaluationResult: """Evaluates a model using the LM Evaluation Harness framework (EleutherAI). For detailed documentation, we refer you to the following readme: Args: task_params: The LM Harness parameters to use for evaluation. config: The evaluation configuration. random_seed: The random seed to use for python's `random` package. numpy_random_seed: The numpy random seed to use for reproducibility. torch_random_seed: The torch random seed to use for reproducibility. Note for random seeds (random_seed, numpy_random_seed, torch_random_seed): These have been set to be consistent with LM Harness' simple_evaluate(). See: lm-evaluation-harness/blob/main/lm_eval/ Returns: The evaluation results (dict of metric names and their corresponding values). """ _set_random_seeds( random_seed=random_seed, numpy_random_seed=numpy_random_seed, torch_random_seed=torch_random_seed, ) if torch.cuda.is_available(): # CUDA device may be overwritten if `accelerate launch`, # or `parallelize=True` are used. device = "cuda:0" elif torch.backends.mps.is_available(): device = "mps" else: device = "cpu" logger.warning("No GPU available.") # Identify whether the model is multi-modal. is_multimodal = is_image_text_llm_using_model_name( model_name=config.model.model_name, trust_remote_code=config.model.trust_remote_code, ) # Identify the proper LM Harness model (`lm_harness_model`) to use. if config.inference_engine == InferenceEngineType.NATIVE: lm_harness_model = "hf-multimodal" if is_multimodal else "hf" if device.startswith("cuda"): logger.warning( "Since you have GPU support, it is highly recommended that you set " "the `inference_engine` to `VLLM`, instead of the `NATIVE`, for faster " "evaluation." ) elif config.inference_engine == InferenceEngineType.VLLM: lm_harness_model = "vllm-vlm" if is_multimodal else "vllm" if not device.startswith("cuda"): raise ValueError("The `VLLM` inference_engine requires a CUDA-enabled GPU.") elif config.inference_engine == InferenceEngineType.REMOTE: lm_harness_model = "local-completions" else: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported inference engine type: {config.inference_engine}. " "Our integration with the `lm_harness` evaluation backend supports " "the `NATIVE`, `VLLM` and `REMOTE` inference_engine types." ) # Instantiate an LM Harness task dictionary. task_dict = _get_task_dict(task_params)"\tLM Harness `task_params`:\n{pformat(task_params)}")"\tLM Harness `task_dict`:\n{pformat(task_dict)}") # Instantiate an LM Harness language model (lm). lm_harness_model_params = _generate_lm_harness_model_args( lm_harness_model=lm_harness_model, is_multimodal=is_multimodal, device=device, model_params=config.model, generation_params=config.generation, inference_engine_type=config.inference_engine, inference_remote_params=config.inference_remote_params, )"\tLM Harness `model_params`:\n{pformat(lm_harness_model_params)}") lm_class = lm_harness_get_model_class(lm_harness_model) lm = lm_class(**lm_harness_model_params)"Starting evaluation...") lm_eval_output = lm_harness_evaluate( lm=lm, task_dict=task_dict, limit=task_params.num_samples, log_samples=False, # Set to `True` to log all responses or logits. apply_chat_template=is_multimodal, **task_params.eval_kwargs, # type: ignore ) # Metrics are only available on the main process, and `None` on others. if not is_world_process_zero(): return EvaluationResult() assert lm_eval_output is not None task_name = task_params.task_name metric_dict = lm_eval_output["results"][task_name] # type: ignore"{task_name}'s metric dict is {pformat(metric_dict)}") if config.enable_wandb: project_name = os.environ.get("WANDB_PROJECT", "oumi")"Logging to Weights and Biases project: '{project_name}'") wandb_logger = WandbLogger( project=project_name, name=config.run_name, job_type="eval" ) wandb_logger.post_init(lm_eval_output) wandb_logger.log_eval_result() # The LM Harness backend's task configuration is a dictionary which # includes: the number of samples, the number of few-shots, task version(s), # the prompt(s) text, model/git hashes, seeds, and the special tokens used # by the tokenizer (such as `pad`, `eos`, `bos, and `eot`). backend_task_config = lm_eval_output # The LM Harness backend's results is a dictionary that includes all # evaluation metrics, which are oftentimes grouped (in `groups`) by a theme # or a classification category. backend_results = { key: backend_task_config.pop(key) for key in ["results", "groups"] if key in backend_task_config } # Add LM Harness-specific configuration settings to the results. backend_task_config.setdefault("config", {}) # Add configuration settings related to the model. backend_task_config["config"]["model"] = lm_harness_model backend_task_config["config"]["model_args"] = lm_harness_model_params if hasattr(lm, "get_model_info"): backend_task_config["config"].update(lm.get_model_info()) # Add configuration settings related to the task. backend_task_config["config"]["task_params"] = task_params backend_task_config["config"]["task_dict"] = task_dict # Add other configuration settings. backend_task_config["git_hash"] = lm_harness_log_utils.get_git_commit_hash() lm_harness_log_utils.add_env_info(backend_task_config) lm_harness_log_utils.add_tokenizer_info(backend_task_config, lm) return EvaluationResult( task_name=task_params.task_name, task_result=backend_results, backend_config=backend_task_config, )